Vision Exploration Logo 



Pruet Rig 9

 Smackover Discovery (AL)



OCS Discovery

OCS Discovery (SLA)



CS-26 Rig & Platform

OCS Discovery (SLA)




Vision Exploration L.L.C. is an independent oil and gas exploration company owned and managed by Steve Walkinshaw, a Licensed Professional Geoscientist with over 44 years of experience in oil and gas exploration, lithium exploration, 2D and 3D seismic survey interpretation, petrophysical analysis, field exploitation and redevelopment, and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects. We are explorers, experienced energy consultants, and cartographers.  We have delivered many field studies to various industry clients, ranging from in-depth structure / isolith / net pay map suites and cross sections to sophisticated 3D seismic montages.  But we are equally capable of conducting pure oil and gas exploration in frontier areas, leveraging decades of exploration experience.  To learn more about Steve Walkinshaw, please click here.

With broadband fiber internet access and the latest software, Vision Exploration can compete with anyone, anywhere.  Our home office is located in Madison, Mississippi (Madison is located immediately north of Jackson, the capitol; most of the oil & gas industry that had formerly officed in downtown Jackson has resettled in the Madison-Ridgeland area in the past few years).  What's the difference between Madison-Ridgeland and most oil centers?  From a technical standpoint: there is no difference.  But logistically, we spend only minutes getting to and from our office, thus giving us much more time each day to focus on our work; many of our colleagues in Dallas and Houston spend at least two hours each day just getting to and from work, with frequent delays.  We can be in either Dallas or Houston in approximately an hour's flight time, via American, Delta, and/or United; even New York City is accessible in 3-4 hours from Jackson.  We use TeamViewer software to communicate and collaborate with investors and clients when a face-to-face meeting isn't necessary.  This means you won't be waiting on us.  Period. 

Vision takes great pride in its work.  We only claim credit for finding the oil and gas discovered as a direct result of our mapping efforts.  We never take leases opportunistically where another company is actively leasing (also known as "busting someone's block").  Because we are a complete business unit, able to carry a prospect forward from conception to the drilling stage, we are able to compete effectively with the largest public and private companies in the industry.

Vision manages its exploration efforts very efficiently. It already owns licenses to over 3,000 square miles of 3D data and over 500 linear miles of 2D seismic data, and adds approximately 100 square miles of 3D data and 50 miles of 2D data to its inventory each year. Our Program Participants can choose whether to simply participate in the assembly and marketing of each prospect, or in its drilling as well. Each of Vision's Exploration and Acquisition Programs has a clearly defined exit strategy. Management overhead is fixed and reasonable, and certain tax benefits pass through to Program investors. The exploration and redevelopment prospects in Vision's currently inventory have significant reserve potential and represent a very balanced and financially attractive investment portfolio.

As a prospect generator and project manager, Vision Exploration is capable of moving faster and more aggressively than the competition. Vision's staff handles all 2D and 3D seismic interpretation in-house; provides complete well planning and petrophysical analysis; manages all lease acquisitions; and has already established an excellent reputation for negotiating complex land and legal agreements with much larger companies and with sophisticated lessors. Our prospect marketing packages are considered some of the best in the business, and we have exhibited at the North American Prospect Expo (NAPE) every year since Vision's inception. Vision's network of clients and contacts in the greater MAFLA area also provides a steady supply of "external" lease and farm-in opportunities, as Vision has evolved since 2000 into one of the most sought-after energy consulting and prospect marketing shops in the country. Regardless of the area, we've demonstrated our ability to cause drilling activity - and find production - on our clients' leasehold.

Most importantly, the staff of Vision Exploration enjoys an enviable reputation within the industry. Our investors and industry partners have the confidence of knowing that Vision Exploration will manage its business and Programs with only the highest ideals of honesty and integrity.

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