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H&P Rig

 CV Discovery (MS)




Mashburn 19-5 Site

Rodessa Discovery (MS)



Vision Exploration L.L.C. has identified a large Geopressured Geothermal (GPGT) reservoir within its core area.  Vision's identification and mapping of the GPGT reservoir incorporated proprietary, critically important data that is not in the public domain.  Vision is currently marketing working interest participation in this significant GPGT project.

What are the advantages of this GPGT project over typical EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems) projects, currently being promoted by the U.S. Department of Energy?

EGS projects require the drilling of water injection wells and water/steam production wells to produce hot water or steam for use in driving turbines and generating electricity.  Vision's GPGT project dispenses with the need to drill and operate expensive water injection wells and enhances efficiency by producing both hot water and natural gas (methane) that is produced along with the water.  The methane is separated from the hot water at the surface and burned in a separate boiler/turbine unit that also produces electricity.  The produced brine, after it is used for power generation, is safely disposed downhole in a separate (shallow) disposal well, injected into a state-approved brine-filled reservoir (in the same manner as a typical oilfield saltwater disposal well).  There is nearby access to three-phase power lines and several end users are located within a short distance from the project area.  The principal land/mineral owner in the area is a sophisticated company that has already expressed a willingness to work with Vision to develop this potentially important GPGT resource on their property.

Here are some general statistics pertaining to Vision's GPGT project:

Reservoir Pressure: 9,400 PSI (Measured)

Reservoir Temperature: 294o F (Measured)

Reservoir area: greater than 10,000 net acres (seismic interpretation)

Reservoir thickness, primary GPGT target (one of three): 70 net feet

Methane / barrel water: 150 cubic feet (produced on test)

Response to stimulation (acid / frac): optimal

The ability to extract energy from both geothermal energy extraction and methane combustion places Vision's GPGT reservoir in a class of its own.  If your company is interested in participating in this high-potential GPGT project, please contact us.